Welcome to PlumWild Photography
Our planet is an Amazing place with so many opportunities to capture life, nature and all our surroundings.
Capturing just the right shot is being at the right place at the right time. I have attempted to do just that with the photos displayed on my website.
I hope you enjoy what you are about to view and if interested contact me as these are all for sale.

Cheers - Donna

[email protected]

Contact Info
United States
Daytime phone503-970-0840
Evening phone503-477-7627
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All Photographs


Visitors 164
173 photos
Created 8-Aug-18
Modified 8-Aug-18


Visitors 58
44 photos
Created 8-Aug-18
Modified 8-Aug-18

4-legged Friends

Visitors 34
113 photos
Created 30-Jan-20
Modified 30-Jan-20
4-legged Friends

The World in B&W

Visitors 23
58 photos
Created 8-Aug-18
Modified 8-Aug-18
The World in B&W

Wings and Feathers

Visitors 15
54 photos
Created 8-Aug-18
Modified 8-Aug-18
Wings and Feathers

French Lick

Visitors 20
33 photos
Created 16-Sep-16
Modified 16-Sep-16
French Lick

Rose City Rollers

Modified 12-Jan-20
0 photos